Sentence dictionary
ibm 로체스터
in a sentence
access ibm
It can be quickly opened by pressing the blue Access IBM button on the keyboard and following the instructions on screen. He was speaking at the company's unveiling of Solo 3270, which all...
ceo of ibm
In 2012, he became CEO of IBM Japan, Ltd. I think perhaps York concluded that he would never become CEO of IBM, As CEO of IBM, Palmisano has shifted many development and support positions ...
early ibm disk storage
I wouldn't be so foolish as to suggest a pen-drive would never hold such an amount ( after all how many people would envisage a chip smaller than a postage-stamp can hold gigabytes of info...
guide ibm
His predecessor, Louis V . Gerstner Jr ., who guided IBM back from deep troubles in the early 1990s, is regarded as a brilliant business strategist. Gerstner spoke of Thompson's job as hel...
history of ibm
Consider the recent histories of IBM, General Motors and Sears. See History of IBM # IBM . 27s role in WWII and the Holocaust . talk) The main article is "'History of IBM mainframe operati...
history of ibm magnetic disk drives
:I don't think the original question specified if capacity was in bytes or cubic meters;-) ANyway if you want to see how big a HD can be just look at the early ones in History of IBM magne...
history of ibm mainframe operating systems
The main article is "'History of IBM mainframe operating systems " '.
Some time back I thought IBM was a bargain at 60. The cartoon character is also used to advertise some IBM products. They can be used by IBM-compatible or Macintosh computers. They include...
《IBM按需解决之道》向读者展现了IBM自身以及在其帮助下成功实现企业转型的客户的经历。 如果《IBM按需解决之道》所说的正是您的企业所要做的工作,那么请您相信,这部重要的著作是您首选的阅读作品。 对于所有企业的领导人、销售和营销人员以及为提高企业经营效率而工作的人员来说,《IBM按需解决之道》将是一部具有启迪作用的著作。 《IBM按需解决之道》具有很强的可读性,作者塞拉塞...
“沃森”由10台IBM服务器组成。 计算机房配有IBM服务器和169国内互联网64K专线。 它将成为IBM服务器的战略性生产制造基地。 这是用来描述用在IBM服务器上的2.5英寸热插拔硬盘。 我们测试IBM服务器的过程中,采用IBM Director来管理测试服务器。 公司主营联想,THINK,IBM服务器,HP,DELL,清华同方,H3C全系列产品。 公司在IBM服务器上...
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